3 research outputs found

    Properties of Chou Paste and Crust Using Heat-Treated Wheat Flour and Their Application to Teaching Materials for Practice of Food Preparation <Articles>

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    本研究では, 調理実習の教材として種々の利点を持つシュークリームをとりあげ, 技術的に難しいとされるシュー皮の調製に, 焙焼小麦粉を利用するという新しい方法によって, 特に初心者にも成功感が得られるような製法を呈示し, その有用性を検証することを目的とした。好ましいシュー皮を作るには適度な粘性を持つシュー生地が必要で, そのためには第1加熱操作の良否が重要なポイントになるが, 経験の少ない者はこの操作をうまく行えない。そこで, 小麦粉の状態で適度に加熱処理した焙焼小麦粉を使用し, シュー生地の調製を行ったところ, 第1加熱の簡略化が可能であることが示唆された。さらに, 焙焼小麦粉を利用した方法によって, 数名の初心者にシュー生地の調製を行わせた結果, 出来上がりも概ね良好で, 失敗の少ない調製法であることが実証できた。It is known that the preparation of chou is one of the difficult tasks in cooking, but it could provide advantages when used as a part of teaching materials for practice of food preparation. The aim of this study is to suggest the utilization of a new recipe which reduces the difficulty of chou preparation, and to show the usefulness of the recipe as a cooking exercise for beginners. Properties of chou paste and chou crust with heat-treated wheat flours were investigated, and the possibility of omitting the cooking process of chou by using heat-treated flour was examined. The results suggested that it was possible to reduce the primary heating stage of chou recipe. Subsequently, a comparison of the simple recipe using heat-treated flour and the usual recipe was made in the cooking lesson for beginners. The result showed that the former recipe could be prepared more successfully by beginners

    Investigation of linguistic process in home economics of elementary school to develop intellectual base and fertile sensitivity of a life.

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